Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The tomatoes are coming!

Small tomatoes in KoreaImage via Wikipedia

We haven't had much luck growing produce in our back yard since we moved to Hackensack in August 2007.

We planted peach and black-fig trees a couple of years ago. We got some figs, but squirrels ate all the peaches before they ripened. In the spring, I put a net over the peach tree, and now the unripened peaches are falling off.

We bought a greenhouse from Costco last year, but we had trouble assembling it, and then a nor'easter blew it down. (Costco gave us a full refund after I returned all the pieces to the Hackensack store.)

But we're doing much better with cucumbers -- long, curly ones a foot or more long -- and now tomatoes. I've been enjoying three or four dozen small, ripe cherry tomatoes this week, dusted with za'atar thyme mixture for breakfast, added to leftover Thai fried rice from Wondee's in Hackensack and cut up to supplement bottled pasta sauce for tonight's dinner.

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  1. Last year I tried crossing a yellow cherry tomato with a green squash and a bonsai tree, but all I got was an itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot zucchini.


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