Last year, the giant bluefin tuna I saw cut up originally weighed about 1,000 pounds.
In the past two years, I joined hundreds of others jostling for space at the Japanese supermarket in Edgewater to watch workers reduce a giant bluefin tuna to sushi and small blocks of sashimi.
I bought a half-pound of the well-marbled belly meat, called oh-toro, for $62.99 a pound in 2009 -- up from $60 a pound in 2008.
However, since last year's "cutting performance" at Mitsuwa Marketplace, the news about bluefin tuna has been all bad, and I'm planning to boycott the performance and sale on Nov. 20 and 21.
I'm urging you to do the same. Click on the link below to read how these magnificent creatures are being driven toward extinction. The Japanese eat most of the world catch.
Although bluefin tuna contains beneficial Omega-7 fatty acids and literally melts in your mouth when raw, it also has a great deal of harmful mercury.
Dark side of bluefin tuna harvest
Greenpeace and Costco
Greenpeace has launched a campaign against Costo for selling what it calls "red-listed fish," such as orange roughy and Chilean sea bass.
I buy a lot of seafood at the Costco store in Hackensack, and have never seen either of them -- fresh or frozen.
My repeat buys include wild sockeye salmon, fresh, frozen or smoked; wild-caught haddock and flounder; frozen, wild-caught mahi-mahi; and farmed shrimp and prawns from Vietnam.
I e-mailed Costco last week to ask about the Greenpeace campaign, but haven't received a response. Click on the link below for more information:
Greenpeace goes after Costco
Well, perhaps you should boycott all sushi. Much of the trade profits Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church.