Consumer Reports has an article in the March 2010 issue that gives me pause: Tests found pre-washed salad in bags or plastic containers -- including organic -- weren't always squeaky clean.
That worried me, because I am a big fan of Earthbound Farm organic spring mix, which I buy at Costco for $4.49 a pound (the price of the container I bought today). I don't wash this delicious mix of red and green baby lettuce, arugula, radicchio, chard and mizuna before stuffing it into a sandwich or making a dinner salad.
The article said contaminated salad usually contained spinach, and my Earthbound Farm mix doesn't have spinach. But I do sometimes buy another bagged salad at Costco -- a non-organic product complete with dressing, nuts and cheese. I don't believe that one has spinach, either, but I'll be looking more closely at my pre-washed salads in the future -- and maybe even washing them.
Here is the link to the Consumer Reports article: How clean is bagged salad?
We read the same article, and although we don't use the bagged mix with spinach (we love the organic arugula), we have started to wash our salad greens again.